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  • Writer's pictureNia Buckner

Baby, Take it One Day at a Time

"Take one day at a time" idiom: to deal with each day's problems as they come instead of worrying about the future.

Who would've thought that a simple 7-day vacation back to sunny Phoenix, Arizona would turn into a 13-day, seeming to never end, quarantine due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19? As an aspiring physician, I have many questions. What does this mean for medical education? Will this virus cause a shift in medical instruction, clinical practice, and preparation for the unknown? What does this mean for fall matriculants or fourth years eagerly waiting to begin their residency programs? So many questions...where do the answers lie?

Though it's taking time getting adjusted to this new "normal," there have definitely been some positives from this experience so far. For one, I am very grateful to be able to spend time with my family. Due to everyone's busy schedules, there are only fleeting moments during the year that we are all together as one. And to think of it, this is usually Christmas. In between Christmas's we are all spread across the country, Oregon, Arizona, and Pennsylvania hyper-focused on our lives. Yes, FaceTime and social media helps us stay connected, but nothing beats being able to run through the house to talk and laugh with family.

During this time, I have also been able to witness the innate good within our human nature. I remember one evening while looking for paper towels with my mom, there was this eerie calm in our city. It was as if the entire town was shrouded with an ambiguity that silenced the once bustling streets. However, despite this lingering feeling of the unknown and the empty shelves that filled the stores, as much as we could, everyone tried to help one another. Something as simple as picking up an extra container of Lysol wipes or Charmin equated to pure joy. Who would've thought we could find joy in such a simple gift of kindness?

Last but not least, this time has shown me the beauty in the little sayings that my mother and grandmother would say to me as a child. "Baby, take one day at a time." There is so much beauty in that phrase especially at a time such as this. Whether any of us like it or not, everything has slowed down. The ripping and running has halted, the assignments have paused (shortly), the meetings, the conferences, the extracurricular activities all paused. As someone who gets energy from having a busy schedule, it has been rejuvenating to focus on the present, what the day holds, and to truly stop and smell the roses. I've even reconnected with my love of baking which pairs lovely with cardio workouts through the neighborhood.

With all that being said, I charge you to take time for yourself and take everything day by day. Reconnect with old hobbies and passions, stay productive with workouts and crafts, and most importantly stay connected with the ones you love.

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