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  • Writer's pictureNia Buckner

What have I been up to?!

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Happy New Year everyone! Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021!

So much has happened since my last post and I can’t wait to catch y’all up! From my white coat ceremony to interviewing with the American Medical Association and Good Morning America, reflecting back on my first semester of school, I am absolutely speechless. Besides all of the studying (yes, studying is an everyday thing around here), I have done more than I have ever imagined. And all in just four months! More than ever, I’m so excited to share my journey with you and give you the real about being a medical student during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes! We’re going to cover the highs and the lows, and of course, all the good times in between!

I don’t want to make this post too long, so I'll save all the details about what's been up in the posts to follow! Here’s what to expect year!

1. Reflection series!

  • White Coat Ceremony, Zoom University, First Semester, Getting Involved. All of it!

2. COVID Vaccine

  • I’ll be covering my experience and why I have chosen to get the vaccine. This will be happening in the very near future! Stay tuned!

3. What is a day in my life like?!

  • Is school the same? Did I decide to go off to school? How do I balance my life, family, and friends? You’ll get the 411!

4. Get to know me!

  • I want you guys to get to know who I am so you better understand why and how I fit into this world of medicine! Granted, I’m still figuring it out, but join this journey with me!

Honestly guys, I can’t wait to get the ball rolling! Now that I’m understanding how to navigate medical school (for now lol), expect a lot more content!

Best wishes and cheers to 2021!

If you haven’t already, hit that share button & follow me on social media! I post daily stories on Instagram covering what I’m learning and my daily routine!

Instagram: niabuckner

Twitter: @ToBeBucknerMD

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