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  • Writer's pictureNia Buckner

Write the Vision and Make it Plain

April 19, 2019. During an end-of-the-year celebration for completing my Honors Thesis, I was given this red graduation cap to write down my future plans. For about 5 minutes I sat there with a sharpie in hand and stared at the piece of paper as everyone around me briskly wrote down the institutions they were going to and their next steps . I knew that I wanted to go to medical school and I had my mind set on going to graduate school, but at the time I had yet to receive an acceptance letter from any of the 7 programs I had applied to. Because I didn't know what was next for me, I felt small. Everyone else seemed to be on the path to their dreams while I was still eagerly waiting for acceptance letters. Being insecure about not knowing where I would end up, I avoided sharing my plans because I didn't want to let myself down and I feared what my plan B would look like. It wasn't until that moment, staring at that piece paper, where I took a deep breath and wrote down what I envisioned my future to look like.

As minimal as it may seem, taking the time to sit and envision my future made my dreams that much more real. It was as if my dreams had transformed into a tangible entity that I knew I could grasp. With writing down my plans, it was as if a force field began to shield me from every negative comment, nay-sayer, and self-doubt as I began to further my pursuit in medicine.

As I reflect on this photo a year and so later, and see how my dreams have manifested, I can truly stay that everything is still undeniably surreal for me. From my grandmother gifting me the ABC's of the Human Body when I was 7 and assisting her with the blood pressure cuff and medications for her patients, to the long nights studying for 7:30 am Ochem exams and everything in between to now working out the kinks of navigating my first MS1 Block --- I am now walking out the vision that I wrote down for the world (ASU's Honors College) to see.

So why am I writing this today? In the unpredictable world that we have found ourselves in, I feel that it is more important than ever to bet on yourself, your dreams, and your passions. Do you have career goals and aspirations that excite you? Do you have a business plan that you feel could change the world? A voice? A perspective? Whatever it is that inspires you, write it down. Write your vision and bring it to life. Tend to it, nurture it, and watch it begin to the flourish. Apply to that dream school of yours. Ask for that raise. Bet on yourself because you are more than capable. Bet on yourself because you are qualified. Bet on yourself because your perspective, experiences, and how you see the world sets you apart and will make a difference.

Believe in yourself. Write out your vision, make it known to yourself, see it, and believe it. If you are called to it, see it through --- before you know it, you'll be walking in it.

Habbakuk 2:2

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